
I have experience working on a wide range of projects, from basic websites to advanced web applications.


Mahati is Mobile Aplikasi Sahabat Hipertensi

● Contributed developing mobile app using Flutter and GetX and consuming backend service with http.

● Develop a full function admin website with Next.js and Shadcn UI.

● Contribute refactor and develop backend using Express.js using MySQL and deployed in Docker Portainer.


Tech Stack: Next.js, TailwindCSS, Shadcn UI, Express.js, Prisma ORM, MySQL

Smart Recycling

Smart Recycling

Massive Project for Infinite Learning final project.

● Implement full function of backend service using Express JS. Such as auth, event, transaction, and item modules.

● Implement frontend using vite.js and using react toolkit query to manage the API’s request. Such as auth, event, transaction, item, and admin page for monitoring data.


Tech Stack: Express,js MySQL, Ant Design, Jest, Docker, Vite.js, Redux.js

Sevenman Re-engineering

Sevenman Re-engineering

● Manage budgets for frontend, backend, and design side.

● Contributed on front-end for guest, user, and admin modules.


Tech Stack: Next.js, Tailwindcss, Redux Toolkit.

Info Pangan Jakarta Re-engineering

Info Pangan Jakarta Re-engineering


● Implement commodity per city, market and fluctuations on commodity page.

● Implement suggestions search bar on home page.


● Contributed full functional content, metadata, and setting page


Tech Stack: Vite.js, Express.js, Next.js, React Query.

Adaro Water Solution

Adaro Water Solution

● Contributed to make a feature Export Bermeter Berekening
● Fixed bug on dashboard, water balance, master data, and date picker components.
● Contributed to upgrade some deprecated package and Node version.


Tech Stack: React, Spring Boot, Bootstrap

eCRF Biofarma

eCRF Biofarma

eCRF Biofarma is a research data for patients.

● Contributed to fixed bugs on query status


Tech Stack: .NET, MySQL, Google Cloud Platform

Chat Web Socket

Chat Web Socket

● Building a real-time web application with Sockets IO
● Develop backend using Express.js with PostgreSQL
● Develop frontend using Next.js & NextUI

Otakudesu Watch Anime Website

Otakudesu Watch Anime Website

● Develop frontend with Reduxjs to manage state API
● Develop backend with Nexjs API
● Building Continuous Integration with GitHub Action and Cron Job

Anemia Education

Anemia Education

Freelance website for Big Project client

● Build website about Anemia and deliver Information to users.

Apel Manis Kost

Apel Manis Kost

Freelance Project using Next.js

● Implement kost website using nextjs and nextui.

iLab Re-engineering

iLab Re-engineering

● Develop responsive FAQ page.
● Implements fetch data using react toolkit on Retakers page. 
● Implements log data for profile user.

Green Saver

Green Saver

Macro Project at Infinite Learning

● Implements front-end for MVP product such as auth, home, about, contact us and detail news pages
●Contributed to High Fidelity design on website.



Micro Challenge Project at Infinite Learning

● Create big idea of the project.
● Develop a Low Fidelity, High Fidelity, and Prototype using Figma

Jacket Lab Mobile Re-engineering

Jacket Lab Mobile Re-engineering

● Project Manager to manage project functionality.
● Create boilerplate for the project like dashboard, loan, and profile.



● Create an profile edit complete with students data.
● Fixed an icon information on dashboard users.
● Implement download modules notification.



● Guide team members to work as their jobs according to the deadlines.
● Create a badge for status participants.
● Fixed a phone number on dashboard users.

iLab Web

iLab Web

● Create a shortcut link to navigate other classes.
● Fixed staff and lectures tables.

Labit JasLab

Labit JasLab

● Implements auth using NIM and Password students of UMM.
● Implements CRUD to order jackets.

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